Sunday, May 20, 2007

2 Weeks to Go!

Hi all,

Yesterday, I ran 22 miles. Well, I ran 20 miles in 4:31, and tried to run the last 2, but started getting some foot pain, so I walked the last 2 miles at 20 minute miles, finishing 22 miles in 5:10.

Not bad, and it feels good to know that even if I walked the last 4 miles during the marathon, I'll still be able to finish it in the marathon maximum race time of 7 hours (basically I can do the last 4 miles at 25 minute miles). Of course, if I don't have foot pains, I should be able to hit my estimated time at 6 hrs. That doesn't count if I have extra adrenaline too.

During the 22 miles, I actually ran most of it without Cody, and I had stopped at home after doing 13 miles (in 2:40) for about 10 minutes to test my blood sugar, drink some water, use the restroom, and pick up the dog to run another 9 miles.

I started the run at 7:45 so that I would finish the run around when I would finish the marathon (to make sure I can run in the noon heat). I imagine if I started earlier, my time would be better since I wouldn't be so hot.

I spent 5 minutes running ice cold water down my legs after the run, and I feel pretty good today. Able to walk and function normally, except for the left foot pain that had started in mile 20. Unfortunately, the pain I feel is not common so I couldn't figure out what it is and what to do to stretch it. The pain is on the top of my foot, about an inch or two below my second toe. I looked up various foot anatomy charts, and I think I just have some mild extensor tendonitis. Basically, I need to rest, ice, compress, elevate. To prevent this on marathon day, I plan on getting SuperFeet which will add some additional support to my feet (at least enough to let me make it 4 more miles than what I did yesterday)

The 22 miles is my last long run. For the next two weeks, it will just be light runs (3-5 miles) and soon I'll be done! Hooray!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Half Marathon!

OK, I have been pretty silent for awhile, and the reason is that I got the flu around the end of March and hadn't run until last Saturday, April 28. I actually tried to run on the 19th, but the flu had become a bronchitis that had induced asthma so my doctor said that I should not run if it's causing me to have coughing fits. Since I was unable to figure out what the damage to my marathon training was due to this "vacation" from training, I decided to avoid the whole thing and not post until I knew the situation.

Last Saturday, I ran 2 miles and walked 3 miles for a total of 5 miles. Not great.

Last Monday, I ran 3 miles and ran/walked 2 miles for a total of 5 miles. Not great, but better.

Last Wednesday, I ran 5 miles and ran/walked 3 miles for a total of 8 miles at a pace of 12 minutes per mile (1:36 exactly). I was super excited about this given that this was my first week back from over a month-long break.

I decided to try to run a half-marathon yesterday. Mostly to see how I'd feel, and to try to catch up since the rest of the Team in Training folks are at 12-14 miles and are doing 16-20 miles next weekend. Amazingly, I was able to run 8.25 miles at about 11:30 and ran/walked the rest to do about a 2:45 half-marathon. The great thing is, I felt good afterwards and felt like I could have run more. The best part is, I'm not sore at all this morning (probably due to the 5 minute cold bath I ran on my legs yesterday).

Now, I'm no longer hiding in shame and embarrassment and can confidently say that I think I'm back on pace and should be able to finish the marathon in 5-6 hours. Even if I had run the marathon yesterday, at my pace, I could have pretty much walked the rest of the way and still have finished. That realization makes me excited and relieved.

All of you who have donated have been generous to the cause as well as supportive of my marathon training. I feel like it's my responsibility to do my best to uphold my part of the bargain - which is to finish the marathon. I'm glad that it looks like I can and that I won't disappoint you or the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Thanks everyone for their encouragement and support!