Sunday, May 20, 2007

2 Weeks to Go!

Hi all,

Yesterday, I ran 22 miles. Well, I ran 20 miles in 4:31, and tried to run the last 2, but started getting some foot pain, so I walked the last 2 miles at 20 minute miles, finishing 22 miles in 5:10.

Not bad, and it feels good to know that even if I walked the last 4 miles during the marathon, I'll still be able to finish it in the marathon maximum race time of 7 hours (basically I can do the last 4 miles at 25 minute miles). Of course, if I don't have foot pains, I should be able to hit my estimated time at 6 hrs. That doesn't count if I have extra adrenaline too.

During the 22 miles, I actually ran most of it without Cody, and I had stopped at home after doing 13 miles (in 2:40) for about 10 minutes to test my blood sugar, drink some water, use the restroom, and pick up the dog to run another 9 miles.

I started the run at 7:45 so that I would finish the run around when I would finish the marathon (to make sure I can run in the noon heat). I imagine if I started earlier, my time would be better since I wouldn't be so hot.

I spent 5 minutes running ice cold water down my legs after the run, and I feel pretty good today. Able to walk and function normally, except for the left foot pain that had started in mile 20. Unfortunately, the pain I feel is not common so I couldn't figure out what it is and what to do to stretch it. The pain is on the top of my foot, about an inch or two below my second toe. I looked up various foot anatomy charts, and I think I just have some mild extensor tendonitis. Basically, I need to rest, ice, compress, elevate. To prevent this on marathon day, I plan on getting SuperFeet which will add some additional support to my feet (at least enough to let me make it 4 more miles than what I did yesterday)

The 22 miles is my last long run. For the next two weeks, it will just be light runs (3-5 miles) and soon I'll be done! Hooray!


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