Monday, January 15, 2007

Marathon Fundraising Letter


I hope you're doing well. This June, I decided I'm going to spend my birthday in a completely opposite manner from last year.

Last year: Turning 30
This year: Turning 31 (Granted, I can't really do anything about this one)

Last year: Vegas
This year: San Diego

Last year: Wasting all my money at the tables
This year: Raising money for a good cause

Last year: Binge eating at the buffet lines
This year: Watching my diet and overall health

Last year: Drinking through the night
This year: Running a marathon through the day.

That's right, you read it correctly. This year, I'm going to run the Rock and Roll Marathon in San Diego on June 3rd to raise money for Team in Training.

For those of you who knew me back in high school, you would remember me as a swimmer, as someone who never ran a mile without stopping until I was 23. For those of you who remember me from college, you may remember me as the person who drove to the computer lab even though it was a couple of blocks from my dorm.

My life has changed a lot in the last year. With the recent addition of Cody, my Vizsla, I started running in order to exercise him. Although I always thought running was tedious and boring, it is never monotonous when you are running with a curious, energy-filled puppy. Although I can't run with Cody at the actual marathon, I will be training with him. I'm hoping the entertainment and my sheer determination will help me cross the finish line. As I've never ran more than 12-14 miles at one time, my only goal is to cross the finish line before the crickets start chirping, and hitting my fundraising goal of $3000.

The money raised through Team in Training helps benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma. The funds that have already gone towards research has helped people increase their life span and their quality of life. Hopefully, with your help, we can work towards finding that cure. If you can support me even a little bit, I would greatly appreciate it. The best way is to go to my personal Team in Training web page. Please take advantage of any company matching contributions as well.

Please feel free to check in on this blog ( to see my progress.

Thanks again in advance for your support!


PS. For Cody's progress, check out


Blogger granthalsey said...

More marathon fundraising tips:

6:24 AM  

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